Monday, April 30, 2012

If I didn't have to eat, my Crohn's would be so much better.  I am good for a while and then I get hungry and give in.  I stick to the foods that cause the least amount of pain, but even so I am hammered by problems.  On top of Crohn's I am dealing with cluster headaches. Day after day after day.  I do have medication that helps but leaves me in a funk.  Ah well, such is a day in the life of Crohn's Disease.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The migraine medicine seems to not be working.  I just took another pill, pulled all the shades and hoping for the best.  I have had one for days and I can't seem to break it.  I am going to have to see the doctor for something different as it just takes my brain power away and makes me dizzy and sick.  I have had non stop diahrrea along with pain in my lower right abdomen.  Seems like I can't catch a break.  I never was one to get headaches and when I finally do, it has to migraines of all things. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Seriously tough  night.  In a five hour time of trying to sleep I had to get up and change clothes and use the bathroom four times.  I feel wasted today and in pain.  I am sitting here with a blanket around me and waiting for a pain pill to kick in.  Again, today I was unable to go get groceries, so my husband is off doing errands again.  I am so thankful to be able to be home and not deal with this and have to go out and work in the public.  I can remember spending most of the morning in the bathroom, driving my kids to school having to race home to use the bathroom and race to work to use the bathroom.  I was exhausted most days before even beginning my day.  At least now, my exhaustion is only witnessed by my dog and family.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The theme with Crohns Disease seems to be the pain.  It doesn't seem to be addressed enough with Medical Professionals.  Even when you read about Crohns Disease it isn't mentioned that the pain would be constant and almost unbearable.  This is my second night in a row that I have been unable to sleep due to the pain.  Last night I managed to get a few hours of sleep starting at 3 a.m.  Looks like tonight will be more of the same.  It is exhausting to deal with so much pain and takes a toll on your health in other ways as well.  For me, it is a symptom that is as bad as the bowel issues.   I suspect if more of these professionals actually had the disease their take on it would be completely different.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Particularly hard day yesterday.  I had to go do some work and getting out was hard when I was so under the weather.  Then my particularly hard day went from bad to worse as I got stung by a bee.  Who would have thought this early in the year, but it's in the 80's here.  I failed to mention I am severely allergic.  My Epi Pen was expired and not wanting to pay an Emergency Room visit I decided to try and get through it.  I immediately took two Benedryl pills and drank tons of liquid Benedryl.  My throat felt like it was swelling and my breathing became labored but I lived through it and fell to sleep hard.  I really wouldn't suggest anyone EVER, EVER do this but I did.  I realize today that it was very, very, very stupid of me and I will get my Pen refilled for future uses.  But I am alive today and am thankful last week is over.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Today I feel human, not so much yesterday.  I woke up yesterday feeling horrible and it continued down hill from there.  I ended up on the bathroom floor with bowel incontinence followed by a migraine.  I put my pajamas on early in the afternoon and crawled into bed. Luckily, I have migraine medication that makes me drowsy and sleep put me out of my misery.  So far today things are looking up.  I don't feel totally wasted and the pain is manageable.  I feel like a super hero after making it through yesterdays hell.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I feel as if I am a burden on my family.  Frankly, my children seem to have little patience for my illness lately and my husband is carrying the burden of taking care of me.  Today I couldn't go and do a simple task of grocery shopping. So my husband is off to buy groceries and run errands.  I wish I could change things but unfortunately I can't.  I understand that it must get old to see me sick and nothing is getting better.  I cherish the few good days and hours that I am able to have some reprieve but it seems to be less and less lately.  I rarely hear from anyone anymore and this disease is becoming more and more isolating.  No wonder elderly people get depressed, when you are alone I suppose you start to feel that no one really cares.  At least I have a long life ahead of me and I always have the hope that things will get better.  I am just seeing things from a different perspective having been through being chronically ill.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Today I am going to the hospital for some tests.  It literally hurts to move, sit or even stand.  I'm going to have to go into the doctors and get a rinse or something for my mouth sores, it's quite miserable and hurts to eat.  No one realizes that the main problem with Crohns Disease and Lupus is pain.  It is just so overwhelming to be hurting constantly and beyond hurting to be in deep pain.  Also, I think there is such a misconception with Crohns Disease, most people think it's all about bowel issues but there is so much more to it.  It goes beyond just one symptom or problem.  It unfortunately, affects many parts of your body as I am learning.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The pain today is unbearable.  Absolutely horrendous to have to deal with this.  I suppose I will just go back to bed as the heating pad really helps.  I barely slept a wink and just tossed and turned through the pain.  Passing the bowels just about kills me and I pray to just get through it.  Seriously, a hard day.  My mouth is full of sores along with my nose.  Crohn's Disease can be a bad joke as it feels like today.  At least I am home and don't have to get up and go to work or worry about calling in sick to a job.  Bless the many sick individuals who have to deal with that on top of Crohns, it can't be easy.

Monday, April 16, 2012

My mouth is full of sores, my lower right abdomen hurts, even to walk.  Since it's been a week and a half and there has been no phone call to set up my pelvic ultrasound, I will give the doctors office a call today.  Try to get the ball rolling and get in and see what's going on.  When I wake up in the morning I am so stiff and it hurts just to sit back down or move around at all.  I immediately take a pain pill so that I can get my joints moving.  It's been over a year since I have been able to eat a regular meal.  I am on a low residue diet which consists of yogurt, bananas, eggs, toast and some peanut butter.  It's beyond old, I am incredibly hungry all the time. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Had another migraine on Sunday and luckily we were able to get a hold of a doctor on call to get some medication in time to stop the migraine in it's tracks.  I haven't felt right, but not horrible, so I am happy with that.  Actually was able to walk my dog a short distance yesterday and a longer distance today. It's nice to have a break once in a while to feel somewhat civilized and participate in real life.  Being sick can be all encompassing, you don't realize it either.  So a reprieve is much appreciated and enjoy, short lived or not. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I have been terribly sick.  On top of that, I have had a debilitating headache.  I don't get headaches, this has been going on for a few days and I am dizzy, my head hurts horribly and I am constantly nauseated.  The shades are pulled, I have my sunglasses on and pain pills don't even put a dent in the pain.  I finally went to the doctor yesterday and he diagnosed it as migraines.  Unfortunately since I am in the midst of this one there isn't much I can do, however he did give me medication to take at the onset of future migraines.  Really?  It seems like a bad joke.  I had an aunt who suffered terribly with migraines, she too was sickly.  She did not have an easy go with her health and now I am understanding even further what she went through. 

On top of migraines my doctor checked my iron count and is ordering another pelvic ultrasound.  He is writing another appeal to the insurance to try and get my Hysterectomy covered.  I have growths that are on the right lower uterus and during my menstrual cycle, not only is the bleeding horrible but the pain is over the top.  I appreciate his effort and can only hope that something can be done to help me.

Crohns Disease, Lupus, GERD, Asthma, Latent TB, Shingles and Migraines.  Hmmm. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Three days of searing pain in my head and nausea.  I can't tell if it's migraines or a blockage.  Seriously feeling really bad this morning. I just want to crawl back into bed and close my eyes and wake up feeling better.  Problem is, each time I wake up, nothing changes.  I wonder how many other people feel the same way.  I miss the days of waking up and feeling well.  I wished I hadn't taken that so for granted.  If I ever get well, I will never ever again assume that being well is a part of life as clearly it isn't for everyone.