Thursday, December 22, 2011

Remission with Crohn's Disease.  Everyone talks about remission and that is the goal as there is no cure for this disease.  Personally, I have never reached remission.  In fact, if anything after many drugs and two biological drugs I haven't even come close.  All I have left from all of these drugs are side effects, a surgery to remove an infected growth, that by the way grew back.  Lupus from one of the lovely biologic.  Psiorasis from the same biological.  Liver problems from the drugs and I could so go on and on.  Aches and pains and Crohn's that has somehow become worse.  At this point, I have no faith in the medical community to be able to take care of this disease at least for myself.   Maybe mine is so severe they don't really know what else to do?  Maybe it's very hard to treat and they prefer to treat the treatable?  I get it, I wouldn't want to be on the medical end of this, it's bad enough to be the patient.  Maybe that's why my GI doctor and lupus doctor just left the clinic and they are unable to get doctors to move to this area. 

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