Tuesday, September 23, 2014

No amount of pain medication is going to help me today.  My uterus and crohn's are doing me in.  Literally feel like a knife being twisted and turned and no let up. I respect the fact that my GI didn't think I would be able to go through a hysterectomy but the thought of more years of this after enduring it for so long is bleak.  Pain just sucks all thought from your mind, love from your being and strength from your soul.  If I didn't think what my doctor was saying was true, I would demand they do more to help me.  My only hope is early menopause and it's not looking likely.  My life has been much of the same and just continues to be a repeat of one day to the next. The less you are able to be there for others, the more lonely it becomes. People realize you have nothing to offer them and they eventually leave your life.  While it's very sad for myself, it has taught me a great lesson about life and if all I can do is offer words of encouragement for my struggling friends, then that is what I will do as it reminds me that I am not completely alone.

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