Monday, October 29, 2012

Saturday was spent all day in the restroom and Sunday in bed.  Really when I finally fell asleep through the pain last night, I woke feeling as if I haven't slept in weeks and the pain was back worse than ever before.  I just realized this morning that I am taking 24 pills a day, minimum.  It is laughable considering how sick I really am.  Sometimes I wonder how I am able to get through this, day after day.  I no longer have any good days, it's just the matter of how really bad I feel.  Considering I take so many pills and I am unable to take anything to treat my Lupus or my Crohns seems ridiculous but until my liver heals, which I cross my fingers it does, I will be unable to treat the TB.  Until the TB is treated, I won't be able to treat the two Diseases.  Really treating is an overstatement.  There are no cures, there are drugs that may or may not help with your symptoms and likely will leave you worse off than you really are.  Until there is a cure or even a known reason we are afflicted with these diseases there will be no relief.  We really are just trying to put bandaids on a wound we don't even know how we got or why it is there?  That really is a hard way to live and sad would be an understatement.  This disease has to be radicated if not in my lifetime hopefully my children's lifetime. 

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