Monday, December 17, 2012

I was so thankful to have a decent day yesterday but then it hit me.  Nausea, pain etc.....  So it continues today.  I despise nausea, give me pain and bowel problems any day over being nauseated.  But I guess I just have to take what is dealt to me and make the best of a bad situation.  Many severe Crohn's sufferers such as myself describe this disease like having the flu 24/7.  It's true, it is so similar.  My joints are in severe pain, so much in my shoulders.  Nauseated and I don't dare eat.  It feels like the start of backing up and if you have Crohn's Disease you understand what I am saying.  When you don't have regular bowel movements and your nausea starts in, it's a bit scary.  If it's not coming out well then it shouldn't be going in.  It is never a dull moment being ill, that's for sure.

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