Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It is Crohns Disease Awareness Week.  Approximately ten years ago I had never heard of this disease.  Had no idea what I had been diagnosed with.  I just new I was terribly sick.  Ten years later I know much more than I did then and continue to be just as sick if not worse.  But the difference is that I now know many, many people who suffer with the same symptoms and pain that I deal with.  There seems to just be more and more people dealing with this every day.  They seem to be getting younger and younger too.  It is just devastating to think that a young person has to live the rest of their life living with what I deal with on a daily basis.  It really is a terrible quality of life and to think that little folks have there whole life ahead of them with this in mind is just a devastating thought.  There is no cure, for a few lucky ones there seems to be a stabilization or remission that they are able to reach, for the rest of us it can be pretty ugly.  Hopefully with the awareness reaching more and more they will come up with a cure or even just what causes this.  The hope that in my lifetime I might get some of my life back is my hope but even more so is the hope that the younger generations won't have to live with this for the rest of their lives.

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