Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It is very lonely to be a Chronically ill patient.  You hate to complain all the time, yet if people ask how you are doing, you want to be honest with them.  If you say you are fine, they will know that more than likely that isn't the truth.  I have found that when I was well I was relevant to my family members.  Coming from a large family I had a lot to offer my brothers and sisters.  Watching their children, taking them places, having them over for meals.  Now that I am cooped up and ill I have heard from one family member in the last year, to the rest I don't exist or my problems aren't as big as theirs.  That is the only reason I can think of for them to not care enough to drop an email or call and just see how I am doing. I know if something were to happen to me they would be all over it and would say they were so sad and missed me, yet I am not looking for interaction at death, rather during my life.  You learn to savor the people that care for you and truly care because they know that in health you may have more to offer but in illness you need them even more. Those are the few that truly care for you and aren't just doing it to stroke their ego, but to make sure you know they are there for you.

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