Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The people that stand by your side during a chronic illness like Crohn's Disease are quality individuals.  There aren't that many either.  Just a few people who are always there for you and always thinking about you and how you are feeling.  It says a lot about an individuals character and the love they actually have for you.  Most tire of hearing about you not feeling good all the time and would rather just not be involved or hear it.  Of if they do hear it, they feel like it's too depressing or too much to deal with.  My own circle has gotten pretty small.  In the end you know who really cares and who is just there because they feel like it's an obligation.  The obligated ones wither and the ones who care continue to care for the right reasons.


  1. its true Janice, crohns does reveal to you your real friends who are there through the dark times. It helps to have people who know what it feels like, ready to help in anyway. I look forward to reading your blog in the future.

  2. John, And I get it that people don't want to be around negative energy all the time, but you would think at least your closest friends and relatives would be more understanding.
