Friday, September 2, 2011

Living Daily With Crohn's Disease

Today my post may be a bit shorter.  I am dealing with excruciating pain.  My suggestions on how I deal with this to try and stay as stress free as possible.  Sometimes that's not possible, I realize that, but hopefully the people around you who love and care about you will make it as easy as possible.  My GI Doctor doesn't believe in pain pills, I think it is absolutely the cruelest answer to someone who suffers with this disease.  How the HELL are you supposed to get through the pain without it.  For me, I have been in regularly to see my Family doctor and he has watched me as I cry explaining my pain and realizes that taking a 1/2 a pain pill and a heating pad are sometimes the only thing short of going to the emergency room.  In fact, more often than not this is the only thing that keeps me somewhat sane.  I am not opposed to alternative means of pain management and am not far from trying those options.  If you stand opposed to alternative pain options on a moral ground, well shame on you, if you live with pain you would get off your high horse and realize when people are desperate for relief, relief is what they should get.  So with that rant I am going to move on with my heating pad and curl up in bed and wait for this to pass or not.  Pray that tomorrow will be better.

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